later , he helped ukifune become a buddhist nun in response to her request . 後にその願いを聞き、浮舟を出家させた。
kokamonin seishi had already become a buddhist nun when she died in 1182 . 1182年(養和元年)皇嘉門院聖子が没したときにはすでに出家していた。
feeling hurt , tokiyori made up his mind to become a buddhist priest without telling yokobue . 傷ついた時頼は、横笛には伝えずに出家することを決意。
after he had become a buddhist priest in june 1253 , he died at the age of 44 in july of that year . 建長5年(1253年)5月に出家し、翌6月に44歳で死去。
after that , she is considered to have become a buddhist nun due to her illness , and appears to have died by 1111 . 以後、病のため出家し、までの間に没したようである。
become a buddhist monk: 僧侶になる become a buddhist priest: 仏門に入る buddhist: Buddhist n. 仏教信者. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a converted Buddhist 改宗した仏教徒 a fanatical Buddhist 熱狂的仏教徒 a fervent Buddhist 熱心な仏教徒 a practicing Buddhist 仏教の教えを実践している仏教徒. 【前置詞+】 be broubecome: become v. (…に)なる; 似合う. 【副詞1】 He will eventually become a statesman. 結局は政治家になるだろう It would ill become you to criticize him after having made the same mistake yourself. 君自身が同じ過ちをしたあとで彼を批become of: ~はどうなるのか◆【用法】what, whatever を主語として What will become of the earth? 地球はどうなってゆくのだろう。 to become: to become 赴く おもむく 似合う にあう 来る くる 似付く につく 成り変わる なりかわる 成る なる (buddhist) goddess: (Buddhist) goddess 吉祥天 きちじょうてん きっしょうてん (buddhist) image: (Buddhist) image 尊体 そんたい (buddhist) incarnation: (Buddhist) incarnation 化身 けしん (buddhist) inquirer: (Buddhist) inquirer 求法者 ぐほうしゃ (buddhist) invocation: (Buddhist) invocation 念誦 ねんじゅ (buddhist) priest: (Buddhist) priest 僧侶 そうりょ (buddhist) priesthood: (Buddhist) priesthood 僧職 そうしょく 僧籍 そうせき (buddhist) priests: (Buddhist) priests 僧徒 そうと (buddhist) rosary: (Buddhist) rosary 数珠 じゅず